While in El Paso Texas, I (Sam Stewart) crossed into Juarez, Mexico to visit Charlie’s Lunch. The political and dangerous situations due to the fighting drug cartels has diminished somewhat and our pastors, churches and kids are feeling relieved even though crime and some cartel mischief is still rampant and of concern. Thankfully in 2 feeding centers the kids are growing in health and in the Word of God. However, I am saddened and ask prayer for our Pastor/Director’s wife in Las Flores who is suffering severely from a cancerous tumor. The chemo-therapy treatments have whittled her down to a mere 90 pounds. Without a miracle from heaven she will soon be in God’s presence. Please pray for Graciela Palacios and her husband, Pastor Pablo and their family. She has been a wonderful co-leader, head cook and teacher to the children. Her husband lifts his wife and carries her on a public bus back and forth to the clinic where she receives treatments 4 hours away. In spite of this intense hardship, Pablo and his wife make sure that the Charlie’s Lunch kids continue to recieve the Word of God and a nutritious lunch.