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Update from Sam

Sam Stewart

In the last 2 months I have traveled over 30,000 miles from Los Angeles to India to Guatemala, El Salvador and Belize, Central America and ministered in 20 of our CL feeding centers. Believe me, there are dozens of stories to tell from each location which space and time don't allow. However, one common thread I am "taken with" is the literally busting at the seams nature of growth that is taking place throughout!

With such growth, there are great needs that are ancillary in nature that come along with the focused ministry of feeding children. We need help to fill some of these gaps that are present and need funding to shore up and fill these gaps such as; new kitchen equipment, new dining tables, chairs, gospel literature to teach and disciple the children, refurbishment, remodel kitchens, build new and larger walls, and the funding to feed the children in the new kitchens. As you can well imagine there is a need to improve the situation on the ground in these difficult slums and communities.

There isn't a nook or cranny of space where some extra funds wouldn't go a long way to meet the current need. Now with 40 feeding centers in 40 churches, over 3,000 children are being fed regularly in 8 nations. And there is so much more to do!

First, I ask for your prayers that God may continue to use all of us through Charlie's Lunch to share the gospel. To those of you who give faithfully and generously, on behalf of all the children and their families, we thank you.

Second I ask that you pray and consider how much you can give to reach the overwhelming amount of more children and their families who might receive the gospel paired with a meal through Charlie's Lunch. If you aren't a partner, this is a wonderful way to be part of, not only feeding a hungry child, but seeing them and in many, many cases their families come to know the Lord.

Together we are feeding the multitudes and preaching the gospel message of hope just like Jesus did more than 2000 years ago. God bless you and we thank you in advance for helping us share lunch....Charlie's Lunch!

IRS TAX # 74-3018616

Recognized by the IRS since 2002 as a Public Charity.

Charlie's Lunch

PO Box 1821

Keller, TX 76244

1 (817) 876- 2568

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